



W. Robert Needham




Home Address:    197 Alexandra Avenue

                              Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

                              N2L 1M6


Telephone:          (519) 578-4143






Marital Status:   Widower, two adult sons



EDUCATION            1961     B.Com13., Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario

                                    1964     M.A., Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario

                                    1968     Ph.D., Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario




1960-1962          Instructor, Statistics Lab., Department of Economics, Carleton University.


1961-1962          Research Assistant, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Productivity Research and Analysis Section, (Summers).


1962-1963          Tutor, Economics, History and Geography, (Economics 4) Department of Economics, Queen’s University.


1963-1965          Head Tutor, Economics, History and Geography, (Economics 4) Department of Economics, Queen’s University.


1963                 Summer Research Assistant, Institute for Economic Research, Queen’s University.


1965                 Summer Administrative Assistant to Head, Institute for Economic Research, Queen’s University.


1965-1969          Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Waterloo; Executive Secretary 1966-68, Deputy Chairman 1968-69.


1969-                Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Waterloo; Deputy Chairman, Economics, 1969-70.


1970 - 1971        Associate Professor, Part time, McMaster University (taught Canadian Economic History course).


1973 - 1974        Sabbatical Leave, Cambridge, England.


1980                 Sabbatical Leave


1986                 Sabbatical Leave


1992-95             Director of Canadian Studies, University of Waterloo


1995-98             Director of Canadian Studies, University of Waterloo


1996-97             Sabbatical Leave





The Problem of Quality Change, M.A. Thesis, Queen’s University, 1964.


Immigration to Canada From the British Isles, 1951-1964: A Regional  Analysis of Sending Areas, Paper presented to the 1967 meetings of the Canadian Economics Association, (Statistical Conference).


Immigration to Canada From the British Isles, 1951-1964: A Regional  Analysis of Sending Areas, Ph.D. Thesis, Queen’s University, 1968.


Immigration to Canada From the British Isles, 1951-1964: A Regional  Analysis of Sending Areas, Waterloo Economic Series, No. 1, 1969.


Inflation in Canada: The Historical Perspective, Waterloo Economic Series, No. 20, Presented to Queen’s Conference on Inflation, 1970.


Input-Output and Resource Management: A Conceptual View, December 1976, Resources Management Seminar, University of Waterloo.


An Institutional Framework for Socialist Planning, Growth and  Development in the Province of Ontario: An Ontario Development Corporation, Paper for ONDP Manufacturing Task Force, April 1979.


Some Comments on the Political Economy of Affecting Structural Change in Canada: An Optimist’s View, September 1979.


“The Role of the State in Public and Private Economic Planning,” Paper prepared for the Fifth Annual Planning Conference, The Ebb of Planning in the Flow of Politics, School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Waterloo, March 1, 1980.


Notes on Health Care Delivery and ONDP Policy, Speech to K.W. Academy of Medicine, February 25, 1981.


An Industrial Strategy for Ontario (Horses of Different Colours), Paper for Purchasing Management Association of Canada, Stratford, April 21, 1981.


Legislative Intrusions by Governments into Normal University Governance and Procedures, A CAUT Position Paper, March 1984, for May 1984 Council Meeting.


Government Intervention: The Imperative for Regional and National Economic Development, Paper for Economic Development Program, University of Waterloo, April 29, 1984.


Radical Economics in Canada. Copyright held by New Canadian Encyclopedia Company Limited, July 1984.


Religion and Economics:  On the Advantages of Being Secular. Paper for Local Chapter, Canadian Conference of Christians and Jews, Kitchener Public Library, March 1, 1985.


Teaching Economics in a Political Economy Framework: Paper for Pre-University Education in Economics Conference, (University of Waterloo, August 16, 1990).


Canada and the National Question: A Political and Social Theory Framework—Some Reference Materials. Canadian Studies 201, St. Paul’s United College, (November 6, 1990).


The Governance Implications of Free Trade: A Political Economy Analysis of Efficiency, Unfairness and the Abuse of Democracy by a Democratically Elected But Corporate Controlled Government—What Is, What Ought to Be, alternatively: Free Trade: A Political Analysis. (Kitchener Public Library: Monday, March 25, 1991).


Free Trade—Canada, United States, Mexico: A Democratic Socialist Perspective. (Rockway Seniors Kiwanis Club: August 1, 1991).     


Notes on the Concept of Parity Prices and Incomes with Reference to United States Legislation. Prepared for: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Fair Pricing Issue Team. Invited Seminar: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, (August 21, 1991).


Edited 3 lectures by Charles Taylor at Wilfrid Laurier University October 26, 27 and 28, 1993. Lectures included in Selected Readings to Accompany Canadian Studies 201—Canadian Community, Existence and Sustainability. (Waterloo: University of Waterloo, 1994), 39-54; 55-69; 70-84. “The Liberal Communitarian Debate,” Transcribed Notes of The Laurier Lectures, (October 26, 1993), 39-54; “Two Theories of Modernity,” Transcribed Notes of The Laurier Lectures, (October 27, 1993), 55-69; “The Malaises of Modernity,” Transcribed Notes of The Laurier Lectures, (October 28, 1993) 70-84.


Canadian Studies Programs: Self-Studies, ‘Discipline Definition’ and Interdisciplinarity with Discipline, MWACS, Sixth Biennial Meeting: Facing the Future from an Established Past: Friday, September 30, 1994. (Midwestern Canadian Studies Association Meetings—Toledo Ohio.)


“Which Ideology is “Justice” for Canada: Market-Based or Social-Based Values and Policies?,” Lenten Forum: Re-weaving Community: A Lenten Forum on the Social Safety Net, St. Paul’s United College, University of Waterloo. (March 22, 1996).


The Proper Canadian Nationalism is Ethical, 2000. (Note: I found the original of this note in 2009. The original were the points I made at a SPUC meeting held on February 6, 2000. It is still relevant. I have only tried to improve the writing and add some recent updates to relevant readings.     





Understanding the Canadian Economy: A Political Economy Approach—I—Micro-economics, (Toronto:  Wall and Thompson, 1989).


Lerner, Sally, Charles Clark and W. Robert Needham Basic Income: Economic Security for all Canadians, (Toronto: Between the Lines Press, 1999).



Understanding the Canadian Economy: A Political Economy Approach III—Capitalist Economic Development in Canada, Draft, July, 1997.





“The Regional Economic Base: Concept, Measurement and Forecasting Growth Prospects,” The Concept of a Regional Development Plan, Progress Report: Regional Evaluation Phase, Vol. 1, Co-author, L.P. Fletcher, Planning and Resources Institute, University of Waterloo, 1968.


“The Methodology of Programming Capital Expenditures Arising Out of a Regional Development Plan.” The Concept of a Regional Development Plan, Progress Report, Vol. II, Co-author, L.P. Fletcher, Planning and Resources Institute, University of Waterloo, 1970.


“Some Comments on the Cambridge Paradigm: An Introduction to Modern Economics,” The Subtle Anatomy of Capitalism, J.G. Schwartz, ed., (Goodyear Publishing Company, 1977).


“Some Comments on 1980 Federal Election Issues,” Prepared for the Waterloo Chamber of Commerce for Publication in the Waterloo Chronicle, Waterloo Chronicle, January 1980. (Issues of 23/01/80; 30/01/80; 06/02/80; 13/02/80)


“Current Economic Policy in Canada and an Alternative Economic Strategy,” July 1982. K-W Record, September 7, 1982.


“The Role of the Universities in the Nuclear Debate,” CAUT Bulletin, April 1984, 25-26.


“Canada in Crisis: Can Canadians Overcome the Problems that Threaten to Destroy their Country.”  One of five articles in Waterloo Alumni, (Fall 1991). Included with contributions by: Professors John English, History; Donald Horton, History; Terrence J. Downey, Political Science; Sylvia Ostry, UW, Chancellor.


“The Last Word: What if the Neo-Classical Model of Costs and Prices is Wrong?” In: W.H. Pope, All you must Know About Economics, Second Edition. (Toronto: Bergandal, 1997).


W. H. Pope, All You Must Know About Economics. (Toronto: COMER Publications, 1996), viii, 108. ISBN: 0-9680681-0-3. Published in Economic Reform (July 1996).  Journal of Business Ethics, 17(1998), 1363-1364.


“Reforming Economics-Ten Quick Steps towards Reality Economics,” COMER, (Vol. 20, No. 7 • July 2008) 5, 6, 7.


Letter to President of the University of Chicago re Establishment of Milton Friedman Institute, Comer (Vol. 21, No. 3 • March 2009), 13.





Societé de Demographie Historique, “Annales de Demographie Historique,” 1969, Villes et Villages de l’Ancienne France,” Journal of Economic History, XXXI(1971), 993-994.


Officer, L.H. and Smith, G.H., “Canadian Economic Problems and Policies,” Journal of Canadian Public Administration, XIV(1971), 474-476.


Gilmour, J.M., “Spatial Evolution of Manufacturing:  Southern Ontario, 1851-1871,” Canadian Journal of Economics, VI(1973), 444-447.


D.G. Alexander, “Atlantic Canada and Confederation: Essays on Canadian Political Economy,” CAUT Bulletin, (May 1985).


W. Block, “On Economics and the Canadian Bishops,” W. Block and D. Shaw, eds., “Theology, Third World Development and Economic Justice,” Grail:  An Ecumenical Journal, II, June 1986.


W. H. Pope, All You Must Know About Economics. (Toronto: COMER Publications, 1996), viii, 108. ISBN: 0-9680681-0-3. Published in Economic Reform July 1996.  Journal of Business Ethics, 17(1998), 1363-1364.


Web Based Publications:


Understanding the Canadian Economy: The Capitalist Development of Canada


W. Robert Needham, The Current State of Economics


W. Robert Needham, The War Functions of Mainstream Economics


Technological Phases in the Development of Capitalism


W. Robert Needham, Profit as the Root of all Evil: The Devil is in the Details


National Policy Diagram: Commodity and Labour Markets


Reforming Economics-Ten Quick Steps towards Reality Economics


Cambridge Town Hall Meeting: Minimum Wages A Political Economy Perspective on Fair Wages: Some Speaking Notes Cambridge Town Hall Meeting Sponsors: Social Planning Council of Cambridge and North Dumfries and Waterloo Regional Council, March 7, xxxx      .


An Unconditional Basic Income for Canada? Some Comments on the Historical Contexts

May 2000


Milton Friedman and Conservative Economics or Gatekeeper Economics II — When Ivory Tower Theory and Practice Go Bad: The Milton Friedman Aberration — Capitalism as Fascism to Create a World that Fits Friedman’s Idiosyncratic and Normative Theory of What the World We Live in Should Be


Gatekeeper Economics I: Economy and Society - Conformance with Experience?


Wage Controls and The CLC: Dr. Ron Lang sets the Record Straight









Pre-publication review of draft of Chapter X—Canadian Studies: Non-Print Technologies and Learning, by Professor David Cameron, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, from his report titled: Taking Stock: Canadian Studies in the Nineties, (Montreal: Association for Canadian Studies, 1996). Review prepared for the Secretary of State and the Association for Canadian Studies, 1994.


Profiles of Canada, Reviewer of Manuscript for Nelson Canada, 1996.





1982-83 Compensation Proposal of the Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo, March 1982.


Update on Faculty Salary Negotiations, May 1982.


Special Edition, The Arbitrated Settlement at the University of Toronto, June 25, 1982.


Special Edition, Report of the Faculty Salary Steering Committee, June 1982.


Special Edition, Tenure Under Attack at Waterloo, September 1982.


Copyright in Intellectual Property:  An Interim Report For Discussion, March 1983.


Brief to the University of Waterloo Board of Governors on the Administration of Salary Policies in the Light of Bill 179, June 7, 1983.


Special Edition, The FAUW Application to the IRB: The Submissions, July 19, 1983.


Memorandum of Agreement Between the Board of Governors and the Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo, April 1986.


Brief. Prepared on behalf of FAUW for the 1991 Hearings of Ontario Council on University Affairs. (Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo, March 21, 1991).





With Jocelyn Legault and Harriet Lyons: Statement on IDP Board Processing of Curricular Matters Including Interdisciplinary Major Programs





“Referendum Not Political,” Waterloo Chronicle, May 20, 1981.


“Faculty Salaries—Let’s Keep the `Record’ Straight,” Kitchener-Waterloo Record, June 3, 1982.


“Editorial Misleading,” Kitchener-Waterloo Record, June 18, 1982.

“Economic Crisis are Handled More Humanely by Universities,” Kitchener-Waterloo Record, September 17, 1982.


“NDP Defends Petro-Canada,” Elmira Independent, November 17, 1982.

“Public Treasury Bails Out Failing Private Enterprises,” Elmira Independent, November 24, 1982.


“Stewardship,” Kitchener-Waterloo Record, February 15, 1983.


“Let Him Go,” Kitchener-Waterloo Record, March 1, 1983.


“Get In Step,” Kitchener-Waterloo Record, May 13, 1983.


“Editorial on UW Policy Lacked Logic,” Kitchener-Waterloo Record, March 26, 1984.

“The Vicious Attack of High Interest Rates.” The Guelph Daily Mercury, July 18, 1984.


“University Leaders Should Elaborate on their Vision,” The Record, (May 25, 1992), A7.


“Workers should be more than just tools of production,” The Record, (September 9, 1997), A8.





“Current Problems of the Canadian Economy,” K.W. Kiwanis Club, (Rockway), September 6, 1979.


“Canada’s Economic Problems,” Chairman, High School Conference Session, University of Waterloo, August 1979.


‘The Conservative-Liberal ‘Disease’ and the Necessity for Socialist Solutions,” Nomination Speech, Waterloo Federal NDP, Knights of Columbus Hall, Waterloo, January 6, 1980.


“The Ebb of Planning and the Flow of Politics,” Panel Member with William Curry, Economic Planning Conference, University of Waterloo, March 1, 1980.


“Industrial Strategies,” Markham District High School, March 4, 1980.


“Canadian Industrial Strategy in the 1980s,” Moira Secondary School, Belleville, April 16, 1980.


“Canadian Industrial and Economic Planning and Strategy: Strengths and Pitfalls,” Panel member, with G.J. Allen, R. Boadway, E.H. Clarke and A. Evans, Moira Secondary School, Canada Tomorrow Conference, April 16, 1980.


“The ONDP Manufacturing Task Force Report and Convention Resolutions: An Institutional Framework for Socialist Planning,” May 11, 1980, Paper for talk to Cambridge ONDP General Meeting.


“Foreign Investment: The Implications,” Stratford Northwestern Secondary School, January 21, 1981.


“Industrial Strategy,” Markham District High School, April 7, 1981.


“Socialist Principles and ONDP Policy,” Nomination Speech, Waterloo North NDP, Kitchener-Waterloo and District Labour Council, February 8, 1981.


“Canadian Economic Problems,” Gorden E. Purdue High School, Oakville, January 5, 1982.


“Canadian Economic Problems: An Industrial Strategy,” W.L. Mackenzie Collegiate Institute, Downsview, March 2, 1982.


“Alternative Economic Strategy,” Kiwanis Club of Kitchener, July 1982.


“Socialism as a Base for Saving Capitalism: A Part of the Transition,” Paper for Political Science course, November 1982.


“Socialist Alternative Economic Strategy: The Light at the End of the Tunnel,” Nomination Speech, Waterloo Federal NDP, Knights of Columbus Hall, Waterloo, January 30, 1983.


“Unemployment and Inflation: The Policy Solutions,” Cantab College, Toronto, March 8, 1983.


“Current Economic Policy and the Alternative Economic Strategy,” Department of Economics, University of Calgary, April 19, 1983.


“The 1983 Provincial Budget: A Panel Discussion,” with John Sweeny, Bill Gladwist, Wayne Samuelson and Archie Gillies, Rodgers Cable T.V., May ll, 1983.


“Unemployment and Inflation: A Prognosis for the 1980s,” Barrie Central Collegiate, May 31, 1983.


“Unemployment and Inflation and the Alternative Economic Strategy,” Pickering High School, Issues '83, Senior Conference Day, June 8, 1983.


Panel Member with Don O’Hagan, CLC Economist and Bruce Whitestone, CLC, New Era Conference, Waterloo Motor Inn, November 18-19, 1983.


“Government Intervention in the Economic Development Process,” Economic Development Program, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome’s College, April 29, 1984.


“The Bovey Commission,” Radio Station CHYM, January 11, 1984.


“On Government Intrusions into Normal University Governance and Procedures.” CBC Radio, Ottawa, May 9, 1984.


“The 1984 Provincial Budget,” Radio Station CHYM, May 15, 1984.


“Unemployment and Inflation,” Operation Open Door, Alexandra Campus, May 31, 1984.


“Unemployment and Inflation: A Socialist’s View,” Fairview Mennonite Centre, Cambridge, October 15, 1984.


“Unemployment, the Public Sector and the Alternative Economic Strategy,” New Hamburg Optimists Club, Tama Inn, February 6, 1985.


“Socialism or Capitalism:  Which is the Moral System.” A Debate with J.M. Wilson, D. Heath and M. Raw, University of Waterloo, February 27, 1985.


“The 1985 Federal Budget:  A Socialist Perspective,” Cameron Heights Kiwanis, May 28, 1985.


Free Trade in the Neo-Conservative Agenda: (Mr. Mulroney’s Abdication), Rockway Seniors Club (February 18, 1988).


Is Regionalism Divisive; Is Nationalism Unifying? (Canadian Studies Lecture, Kitchener Public Library: Tuesday, June 11, 1991).


“Free Trade—Canada, United States, Mexico: A Socialist Perspective.” Rockway Seniors Kiwanis Club: August 1, 1991.        


Poverty in Canada: The Systemic Explanation, Faculty of Social Work, MA Program, Wilfrid Laurier University, (February  3, 1992).


Session Chair—Symbolic Space: Canadian Studies Conference, Theoretical Discourse in the Canadian Intellectual Community, Grey Rocks, Quebec, September 1992.


Rapporteur: Session at Meetings of Canadian Studies Program Administrators, Grey Rocks, Quebec, September 1992.


“An Introduction to the Analysis of Community and Economic and Social Systems—Values Definition and the  Moral Society”. Lecture for Dr. John Redekop, Department of Political Science and Coordinator, Canadian Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University, September 30, 1992.


“The Moral Society and Comparative Social System Values.” St David Catholic Secondary School, Waterloo. As part of their Building a Better World Symposium. April 6, 1993.


“Strengthening Canadian Community: The Search for Efficiency, Fairness and Democracy.” Third Age Learning, Kitchener Auditorium, November 30, 1993


“Canadian Studies Programs: Self-Studies, ‘Discipline Definition’ and Interdisciplinarity with Discipline,” MWACS Sixth Biennial Meeting, Facing the Future from an Established Past, Toledo, Ohio, (Friday, September 30, 1994).


Which Ideology Is “Justice” For Canada: Market-Based or Social Based Values And Policies?  Lecture for SPUC Lenten Forum, Re-Weaving Community: A Lenten Forum on the Social Safety Net. March 22, 1996


Canada and ‘Basic Income’— A Quick Look Prepared for ‘BIEN’ Conference, UNOV, Vienna September 12, 1996


The Culture of Capitalism. For OPIRG Popular Economics Course. With Harry Glasbeek Of York University, Faculty of Law. October 2, 1996.


Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, March 24, 26, 28, 1997. Lectures: Canada: Aspects of the Regional and Cultural Diversity of a Political Economy.


Stanley Knowles and the Common Good: The Moral Significance of  ‘Old ’ Values. Lecture, SPUC April 25, 1997.





Mennonite Central Committee, Peace and Social Concerns Committee, Kitchener, January 14, 1980


NDP Campus Club, University of Waterloo, January 15, 1980


Conestoga College, Waterloo Campus, January 21, 1980


Elmira Jaycees, John Mahood School, Elmira, January 28, 1980


Waterloo Oxford District Secondary School, January 29, 1980

Wilfrid Laurier University, January 30, 1980


Wellesley Board of Trade, Wellesley Community Centre, Wellesley, January 30, 1980


South East Asian Community Association, Adult Recreation Centre, January 31, 1980


Grand River Collegiate, February 4, 1980


Bluevale Collegiate Senior Students, February 5, 1980


Mutual Life Insurance Company, February 6, 1980


Chaplain Rem Kooistra’s Group, University of Waterloo, February 6, 1980


Waterloo Collegiate Institute, February 7, 1980


KWCVI (History Class), February 11, 1980


K-W Ten Days for World Development and Global Community Centre, (Aid, Trade, Defense and Social Justice), St. Louis School, Waterloo, February 12, 1980


Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, February 13, 1980


Faculty of Environmental Studies, Students, University of Waterloo, February 13, 1980


Waterloo Kiwanis, Rink in the Park, February 13, 1980





K-W Academy of Medicine, Waterloo Motor Inn, February 25, 1981


South East Asian Community Association, Rink in the Park, Waterloo, March 4, 1981


Federation of Students and Pollution Probe, University of Waterloo, March 9, 1981


Wellesley Board of Trade, Wellesley Community Centre, March 9, 1981 (See  Milverton Sun, March 18, 1981)


Mutual Life Insurance Company, “Public Automobile Insurance,” March 10, 1981 (See K-W Record, March 11, 1981)


Married Students, University of Waterloo, March 10, 1981


Elmira Jaycees, Riverside School, Elmira, March 11, 1981


Local Independent School Association, Kitchener Public Library, March 12, 1981


Status of Women, Kitchener Public Library, March 16, 1981


Students Federation, Wilfrid Laurier University, March 17, 1981






Wilfrid Laurier University, July 27, 1984

Elmira Jaycees, The Elmira Legion, August 20, 1984


Waterloo Jaycees, Waterloo, Motor Inn, August 21, 1984.


Rogers Cable TV, August 23, 1984.


Mutual Life, August 24, 1984





1967-68    Department of Manpower and Immigration, Immigration to Canada from the British Isles, 1951-1964: A Regional  Analysis of Sending Areas, $2,670 Grant.


1973-74    Canada Council, Sabbatical Leave Fellowship, 1973-1974. Declined because of full salary funding from the University of Waterloo.


1973        Canada Council, Research Supplement, Regional Growth Poles: Theory and Policy


1973        British Council, Commonwealth University Interchange Scheme. Declined because of conflict with Canada Council above


1993        $45,000. As Director, Canadian Studies Program, University of Waterloo, from: Canadian Studies and Special Projects Directorate, Department of the Secretary of State. For Preparation of three Correspondence Courses for Canadian Studies Program, SPUC, University of Waterloo. CDN ST 201—Social Regionalism: Canadian Community, Existence and Sustainability; CDN ST 202—Canadian Cultural Regionalism; CDN ST 313—Traditional and Popular Culture


1994        $18,000. As Director, Canadian Studies Program, University of Waterloo, from: Canadian Studies and Special Projects Directorate, Department of the Secretary of State. For Preparation of a Correspondence Courses for the Canadian Studies Program, SPUC, University of Waterloo. CDN ST 101—Landforms and Mindscapes.


1996        $18,000. As Director, Canadian Studies Program, University of Waterloo, from: Canadian Studies and Special Projects Directorate, Department of Heritage Canada. For Preparation of a Correspondence Courses for the Canadian Studies Program, SPUC, University of Waterloo. CDN ST 370/NATST 370—Issues in Contemporary Native Communities of Canada.





1995        $3,000. As Director, Canadian Studies Program, University of Waterloo, and on behalf of Ad Hoc Community Committee on Native Studies Development. From Ontario Ministry of Education. To assist in building of library collection at Weejeendimin Native Resource Centre in Kitchener and to finance the costs of a Public Forum on Contemporary Issues in Native Communities in Canada, held March 2, 1995 at SPUC.


1996        $2,000. As Director, Canadian Studies Program, University of Waterloo. From the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Education and Training. For Summer Employment of an Aboriginal Youth as an Academic Research Trainee/Assistant.





Understanding the Canadian Economy: A Political Economy Approach III—Capitalist Economic Development in Canada, Draft, (Waterloo: University of Waterloo, July, 1997). WE Publication:


Social Regionalism: Canadian Community, Existence and Sustainability, (Waterloo: University of Waterloo, 1994.  Including three chapters by W. R. Needham:

Chapter 1, “An Introduction To The Analysis Of Community And Economic And Social Systems—Values Definition And The  Moral Society”


Chapter 2, “An Overview of Heartland and Hinterland Relationships and How They Get that Way”


Chapter 13, “Strengthening Canadian Community: The Search for Efficiency, Fairness and Democracy”


Some Selected Readings To Accompany Canadian Studies 201—Social Regionalism

Including written by W. R. Needham:

“The Council of Canadians Video—The Betrayal of Canada—Some Notes and Queries Relevant to the Position of the Video Within CDNST 201.”


      and edited by W. Robert Needham:

Roberta Jamieson, Ombudsman of Ontario, Community, Diversity, Learning— Notes for Remarks, (St Paul’s United College, University of Waterloo, February 24, 1993).

C. Taylor, “The Liberal Communitarian Debate,” Transcribed Notes of The Laurier Lectures, (October 26, 1993).

C. Taylor, “Two Theories of Modernity,” Transcribed Notes of The Laurier Lectures, (October 27, 1993).

C. Taylor, “The Malaises of Modernity,” Transcribed Notes of The Laurier Lectures, (October 28, 1993).





William A. Hamilton, Canadian Urban Development and the Economic Base Concept, 1931-1961, University of Waterloo, M.A. Thesis, Department of Geography, 1970.


A. Kimmel, Oil Transportation in the Arctic: Pilot Survey of Some Problems, M.A. Major Paper, Department of Economics, 1972.


S.M.R. Rohani, Income Distribution, Theory and Measurement With Special Reference to Canada, 1950, 1960 and 1970, M.A. Major Paper, Department of Economics, 1975.


J.A. Gittens, Trade and Development in the Barbadian Economy: A Policy Approach, M.A. Major Paper, Department of Economics, 1976.


J. Strickland, Structural Growth and Change in the City of Oshawa, 1931-1971: An Empirical Essay on Urban Development, Senior Honours Essay, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Plan 490, March 1977.


N. Bathish, The Protective Tariff in Canada's Development: A Comparative Study of the Canadian and U.S. Economics, M.A. Major Paper, Department of Economics, 1977.


E. Palomino, A Study of the Development of Underdevelopment, M.A. Major Paper, Department of Economics, 1978.


J. Cekota, A Conceptual Overview of Environmental Problems in Comecon, M.A. Major Paper, Department of Economics, 1978.


S. Ddumba, Rural Urban Migration in Uganda, M.A. Major Paper, Department of Economics, 1979.


Paul Gauci, Economic Development of Malta: An Evaluation of Economic Development Plans, M.A., Environmental Studies, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Committee Member, 1981.


John Watt, The Evolution of Manufacturing Industry in St. John New Brunswick, 1971-1911, Towards a Theory of Economic Development, Ph.D., Environmental Studies, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Committee Member, 1981.


Brian Wilson, National Development Planning in Canada: Past Experience and  Future Options, M.A., Environmental Studies, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Committee Member, 1982.


Prem Lal, Ph.D., Some Aspects of Cost Management With Special Reference to Indian Railways, Economics, Delhi, External Examiner, April 1981.


Jaromir Cekota, Structural Change of Production Technology in the Economies of the USSR (1959-72), Poland (1962-77), and Czechoslovakia (1962-77):  An Application of the Contemporary Production Model to National  Input-Output Data, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Calgary, External Examiner, April 1983.


Niel Freeman, Political Economy of Confederation: The Ontario Case, M.A., Political Science, University of Waterloo, June 27, 1984.


Erna Van Duren, Agriculture and the Common Market, Honours BA, Economics and Political Science, May 1985.


Resa Nakhaie, Capitalist Economic Development in Iran, Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Waterloo, (1986).


Douglas Charles Baker, Conflicting Justification and Claims to Property Rights: Planning for Aggregate Resource Extraction in Southern Ontario, Ph.D. Faculty of Environmental Studies, Department of Regional Planning and Resource Development, (August 1992).


Pamela Johnson, Mohawk Voices on Native Science, MA Thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, (September, 1996).


Joanne R DiNova, Spiralling Webs of Relation: Movements Toward an Indigenist Criticism, PhD (English, 2003). Thesis. (Internal/External Examiner). Awarded Alumni Gold Medal (Thesis published by Routledge; 1 edition, 2005).






Ms. Marie Pearsons, Saving Nature from the Nature Lovers, Canadian Studies 365D, July 1997.


Ms. Louise Harris, Scarborough Women: In the Beginning, Canadian Studies 365D, May 1997.


Ms. Vicki Roeder, Family Ties that Bind: Mennonites in Waterloo County, Canadian Studies 365D, September 1995.


Ms. Deirdre M. Liptay, Making Community Work: Canada, Quebec and Native People, Canadian Studies 365D, August 1995.


W. V. Maine, No Surrender: A Discussion of the Orange Influence in Canada., Canadian Studies 365D, July 1995.


Ms. Karen Houston, The History of Midwifery in Ontario from Its Slow death to Recent Rebirth, Canadian Studies 365D, May 1, 1995


Lew Miller, Canadian Food Culture: Change and Continuity, Canadian Studies 365D, April 1995.


Ms. Gale Babin, The History and Survival of the Acadians.  Canadian Studies 365D, August 1994.


C. Gregory Blythe, Canada’s Invisible Energy Source.  Canadian Studies 365D, August 1994


Ms. Susan Magee A Basic Right: Sex Education in Canadian Schools. Canadian Studies 365D, August 1994


Ms. K. Pellow, The Economics of the Fur Trade  and Native People and the Fur Trade, Canadian Studies 365D, April 1994.


G. E. Shea, Native Self-Government in Canada: Roots, Reasons and Ramifications. Canadian Studies 365D, February 1994.


Ms. Gloria Muir, Embro: Stability: The Evolution of a Community, Canadian Studies 365D, September 1993.


Ms. Ethel E. Clare, Trade Ornament Usage Among the Native Peoples of Canada, Canadian Studies 365D, August 11, 1992.





CCPA—Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

COMER—Committee on Economic and Monetary Reform

BIEN—Basic Income European Network (Life-member)

PEF—Progressive Economics Forum






1970                 Faculty Salary Steering Committee

1970                 Member, Presidents Advisory Committee on Operating Budgets

1972-73             Member, Economics Discipline Group, ACAP

1982                 Faculty Salary Steering Committee

1989                 Member, University Senate

1990                 Member, University Board of Governors

1990                 Chair, Canadian Studies Board

1990                 Member, Senate Committee on Scholarship and Student Aid

1990                 Member, Senate Finance Committee

1992-93       Elected Faculty at Large Member, Vice-Presidential Search Committee

1992-                Member, Interdisciplinary Studies Program Board—Representing Canadian Studies

1992                 Member, Management Board, SPUC

1992                 Member, Development Committee, SPUC

1993-95             Member, Senate

1992-95             Director, Canadian Studies Program

1994-                Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Native Studies Development

1995-98       Director, Canadian Studies Program

1998-01       Director, Canadian Studies Program




1968-70             Member, Arts Faculty Executive

1970-73             Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts

1973                 Member, Arts Faculty Tenure and Promotions Committee

1974-77             Member, Arts Faculty Executive

1975-78             Member, Arts Faculty Tenure and Promotions Committee

1984-87             Member, Arts Faculty Executive

1987-90             Member, Arts Faculty Executive (to 31/08/90)

1988-91             Member, Arts Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee (01/09/88-31/09/90)

1990-93             Member, Arts Faculty Executive


Department of Economics

1965-66             Library Officer

1968-70             Deputy Chairman

1975-78             Graduate Officer

1981-82             Undergraduate Officer


Faculty Association

1977-78             Member, Pensions and Benefits Committee

1979-86             CAUT Corresponding Member for Collective Bargaining

1981-86             Faculty Association Executive Member

1981-86             Member, Compensation Committee, FAUW

1981-82             OCUFA Director for FAUW

1981-83             OCUFA Salary Steering Committee

1982-86             President, FAUW

1989                 Member, Board of Directors, FAUW

1989                 Member, Pension and Benefits Committee, FAUW

1989-90             Member, Faculty Salary Committee (1990)

1989-90             Member, Compensation Committee

1990-92             FAUW Member, Faculty Relations Committee

1991                 FAUW Member, Memorandum of Agreement Committee

1991                 FAUW Member, Policy 1 Committee on Faculty Grievances

1990-93             Chair, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee

1993-94             Member, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee

1995                 Member, Board of Directors, FAUW serving as Past-President Aug ’95-April ’96.



1967-70             Director, Faculty Club, Memberships

1967-73             Campus Chairman, Canadian Crossroads International (formerly Canadian Crossroads Africa)





Local Community Involvement

1976                 Group Committee Chairman, 10th Waterloo Cubs and Scouts, Mount Zion Lutheran Church, December 1975 to January 1977.

1976                 WMSA, Atom Division Coach, Racers.

1976                 Member (Alternate), Executive, Grand Valley Regional Council, New Democratic Party.

1977-81             Chief Financial Officer, Waterloo North New Democratic Party Constituency Association.

1977                 Chief Financial Officer, Campaign Manager, Official Agent, Provincial Election Campaign of Waterloo North NDP Candidate, M.J. Mewhinney.

1978                 Provincial Council Delegate, Waterloo North NDP. Chairman, Education Committee, Waterloo North NDP.

1980-84             President, Waterloo Federal NDP Constituency Association

1981-93             President, Waterloo County (Civitan) Wheeling Squares, (Disabled Group)

1984-93             Member, Kitchener Waterloo Civitan Club

1984                 Member, Committee for the Study of Ethics and Technology

1987-88             Member at Large, Waterloo North N.D.P. Executive

1988                 President, Waterloo Federal N.D.P. (Resigned)

1990                 Chief Financial Officer, Campaign of Waterloo North NDP Candidate Hugh Miller.

1990-97             Chief Financial Officer, Waterloo North New Democratic Party Constituency Association (until 1997 reorganization of riding boundaries establishing the provincial riding of Kitchener-Waterloo



National Community Involvement

1977                 Canada Council, Doctoral Scholarship Review Committee

1978                 Academic Member, Industry Trade and Commerce, Second Tier Committee, Chaired by Mr. Ralph Barford.

1980                 Waterloo Federal NDP Candidate, Federal Election

1984                 Waterloo Federal NDP Candidate

1983-85             CAUT, Board Member

Jan. 1988           Reviewer for: SSHRC application

Dec. 1988          Reviewer for: Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security (CIIPS) application

Fall 1993           Reviewer for: Project Applications for Secretary of State’s Office.

1996                 Reviewer of Manuscript for Nelson Canada.

1996                 Session Chair, Regional Cultures, Annual Meeting of the Association for Canadian Studies, Brock University, Monday, June 3, 1996.


Provincial Community Involvement

1979-80             Ontario New Democratic Party, Manufacturing Task Force

1981                 Waterloo North, NDP Provincial Candidate, Provincial Election

1982                 Panel Member, OPSEU Forum on Wage Controls in the Public Sector, Thunder Bay, October 23, 1982.

1983-84             OCUFA, Chairman, Salary Steering Committee




Date: September 2012